Laboratory for non-destructive testing of castings equipped with a research and development stand for tomography technique - X-ray booth
Laboratory for contact measurements of machined and raw castings equipped with the R&D stand for specialist measuring technique - specialist measuring machine
R&D laboratory for simulation of high-pressure cold-chamber casting equipped with R&D stand with software for simulation of high-pressure casting
R&D laboratory for aluminium melting at constant temperature and stable conditions of the melting process equipped with R&D station for aluminium melting at constant temperature and stable conditions of the melting process
Research and development laboratory for casting washing and for checking the tightness of castings equipped with a research and development station for casting washing and a research and development station for checking the tightness of castings
Research and development workshop for precision machining of casting equipped with a research and development station for robotic machining centre nest for precision machining of casting
Research and development workshop for casting of special-purpose products with vacuum system equipped with research and development station for casting of special-purpose products with vacuum system
Research and development workshop for casting of special-purpose products equipped with a research and development station for casting of special-purpose products